About Us

BIPOC OA was created to provide a safe space for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color as we recover from the disease of compulsive over and under eating.

Topics of race, creed, nationality, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability status, and age are not outside issues. No matter what problems you have with food we welcome you.

Overeaters Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals from all walks of life who meet in order to help solve a common problem – compulsive overeating, which includes obesity, anorexia and bulimia. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. OA is a non-profit international organization with approximately 8,500 meeting groups in over 50 countries throughout the world. Patterned after the Twelve-Step Alcoholics Anonymous program, the OA recovery program addresses physical, emotional and spiritual recovery aspects of compulsive overeating.

OA is not a diet club, and makes no claims for weight loss. Each OA member should consult qualified professionals for their individual diet/nutrition plan, any medically approved plan of eating is acceptable. By admitting inability to control our compulsive overeating and abandoning the idea that all one needs to be able to eat normally is “a little willpower,” it becomes possible to abstain from overeating – one day at a time. OA offers members support in dealing with the physical and emotional symptoms of compulsive overeating.

Overeaters Anonymous has no dues or fees for membership. It is entirely self-supporting through contributions and sale of publications. Most groups “pass the basket” at meetings to cover expenses. OA does not solicit or accept outside contributions.